Critique Module


Why is critiquing needed?
The goal of the critique stage is to evaluate the visualizations created.

Students can seek feedback from colleagues on how well the visualizations address their questions.

The outcomes will leave the students with the feedback which will be provided on the visualization to determine if the visualizations provide insight for their questions

Key Concepts

  1. Evaluate our visualization(s) using data visualization best practices
  2. Rate your visualization

  1. This worksheet should be completed by a colleague or classmate
  2. Do not explain the visualization to the reviewer, only provide the visualization(s) for the reviewer.
  3. Your visualization(s) should speak for and stand on its own.

To highlight both the shortcomings as well as strengths of the visualization(s).

  1. Does the visualization(s) answer the question posed?e
  2. Is the visualization fit for the purpose/audience?
  3. Is the visualization effective (does the visualization provide the insight expected)?
  4. Is the visualization of the right chart type for the data?
  5. List one thing that is done well.
  6. List one thing that could have been done better.
  7. Make some recommendations for refining the visualization.


Horizonal assessment of the critique stage across the data visualization process mapped to Bloom’s Taxonomy of Hierarchical Learning

What you should know:

Bloom’s Taxonomy Hierarchy You should know
Remember It’s important to inspect the entire data visualization when forming a critique.
Recall data visualization principles.
Understand Data visualization best practices.
Apply Data Visualization Checklist.
Evaluate Critique is an analytical evaluation of what works and what doesn’t.
  • Know the question(s) to be answered by the visualization.
  • Does the visualization(s) answer the question(s).
  • Know who the intended audience is.
  • Is the visualization approriate for the intended audience?
Create Propose and make recommendations for improvement. (See Resources tab).


How to choose the right chart for your data

What you should be able to do:

Bloom’s Taxonomy Hierarchy You should be able to do
Remember Recall visualization principles.
Understand Recall data visualization best practices..
Apply Examine visualization solution(s) for insight..
Evaluate Assess data visualization products for impact & effectiveness of visualization(s).
Analysis Distinguish between the question being asked and the visual solution provided; does the visualization address/answer the question(s).
Create Propose and make recommendations for improvement.

You are here:
  • Acquire
  • Parse
  • Mine
  • Sketching & Ideation
  • Filter
  • Represent
  • Critique
  • Refine
  • Interact