Acquire Module

Learning Objectives

Students will learn:
  • What reputable data sources are.
  • The basic data sources.
  • Differences between primary, secondary, tertiary data sources.
  • Demonstrate actions taken to acquire data.
  • To evaluate information sources as a multi-tiered process.
  • Evaluate the credibility, reliability and validity of data sources.
  • Assess how reliable data is.
  • Assess how accurate data is.
  • How to plan, generate, and produce data for a given project.
  • How to cite data sources.
  • Assumptions: What aspect of the process are you treating as truth?

Key Concepts

Data Sources
Data should be publicly available. If you are working with data that is NOT publicly available or data that is part of a research project you MUST get consent from ALL parties involved to use the data. If you are working with your own research data, you must get consent from your research advisor before using the data in the workshop. If you have data as part of a collaboration withe others, you MUST get consent to use the data from ALL parties

Note: Handling and having access to the data, does not imply ownership of the data. If it is not publicly available, you MUST get consent to use it.

Types of Data
Data can be structured or unstructured.
  1. Primary Data
  2. Secondary Data
  3. Tertiary Data

  • What are the parameters?
  • Dependent variable – variable being tested or examined
  • Inependent variable – the variable that is changed or controlled to test the effects on the dependent variable
  • In a table or spreadsheet format, generally, variables are represented in columns

Audience and Assumptions
  • Audience: the demographic of people most likely to be interested in your topic/results/visualizations
  • Assumptions: What aspect of the process are you treating as truth?

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Practice the module by completing the worksheet and revise what you learnt.

Self Assessment

Complete this assessment to demonstrate your current knowledge of the Acquire stage:

Prerequisites: Make sure to finish the following tasks before working on this assessment.


Horizonal assessment of the acquire stage across the data visualization process mapped to Bloom’s Taxonomy of Hierarchical Learning

What you should know:

Bloom’s Taxonomy Hierarchy You should know
Remember What reputable data sources are and how to locate and access them.
Understand The differences between primary, secondary, tertiary data sources and gray literature.
Apply Demonstrate actions taken to acquire data.
Evaluate Validity is the question: “How do we know what we know.” It’s tricky. Look here for more about validity.
Create Plan, generate, and produce data for a given project and cite your sources.

What you should be able to do:

Bloom’s Taxonomy Hierarchy You should be able to do
Remember Describe what happens in the acquire stage
Understand Describe what stages are impacted by the acquire stage
Apply Demonstrate actions taken to acquire data.
Evaluate Explain how the data was acquired.
Analysis Explain how the acquire stage impacts the visualization process.
Create Plan, generate, and produce data for a given project and cite your sources.

You are here:
  • Acquire
  • Parse
  • Mine
  • Sketching & Ideation
  • Filter
  • Represent
  • Critique
  • Refine
  • Interact