Geographic - relates to a specific place on or in relation to the Earth’s surface.
Information – is data to which some value or interpretation has been added.
Knowledge - is information to which value has been added by interpretation (particular context, experience, purpose). Information becomes knowledge only when it has been read and understood.
Systems – a system designed to perform a wide range of functions on and with GI.
Datums - A reference frame for locating points on Earth’s surface.
Horizontal - defining where features are across the globe.
Vertical - defining how high or deep features are relative to a surface.
GIS is a spatial system that creates, manages, analyzes, and maps all types of data (ESRI).
GIS connects data to a map, integrating location data (where things are) with all types of descriptive information (what things are like there).
This provides a foundation for mapping and analysis that is used in science and almost every industry.
GIS helps users understand patterns, relationships, and geographic context.
The benefits include improved communication and efficiency as well as better management and decision making.
Learning Objectives
Understand the basic concepts of GIS:
Raster, vector, projections, geoprocessing and analysis
Use GIS for basic skills in:
Thematic mapping
Importing tabular data and GIS interpolation
Basic vector data analysis
Finding and using Open Access data
Styling and Map Design
Learning Outcomes
Comprehend fundamental concepts and practices of Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
Apply basic graphic and data visualization concepts such as color theory, symbolization and use of white space
Give examples of interdisciplinary applications of Geospatial Information Science and Technology
Demonstrate proficiency in the use of GIS tools to create maps that are fit-for-purpose and effectively convey the information they are intended to.
Foundational Knowledge
Remote Sensing
“Remote Sensing is a technology for sampling electromagnetic radiation to acquire and interpret non-immediate geospatial data from which to extract information about features, objects, and classes on
the Earth's land surface, oceans, and atmosphere....” (NASA)
We use remote sensing to address critical problems like:
1. Very important for monitoring.
2. Geostastionary or low-Earth orbit.
3. Determined by orbits and instrument characteristics.
4. Frequency of return of platform.
Spectral Resolution
It describes the sensor systems' ability to distinguish different portions of the EMR spectrum.
Some sensors are sensitive to visible light only, while others can also capture near-infrared energy. The portions (ranges) of the spectrum to which an instrument is sensitive are referred
to as its bands. A sensor can have multiple bands, and bands can be of varying widths. Spectral resolution refers both to the number and width of the bands for a given sensor.
A panchromatic band is a wide band that encompasses a large spectral range (often the entire visible spectrum). Commonly we call film that is sensitive to the entire visible range
"black and white" film because often we print images from this sort of film in grayscale.
However, there are analog (film-based) and digital sensors that have wide panchromatic bands that also encompass the near infrared portion of the spectrum. When a sensor records only a few
portions of the spectrum (i.e., contains only a few, relatively wide bands), it is said to be a multispectralsystem. A multispectral sensor might have two or three bands in the visible
range (i.e. red, green, and blue) and it might also have a few near-infrared or middle infrared bands. Typical multispectral systems have between 4 and 10 bands.
Hyperspectral sensors have a large number of relatively narrow bands. By definition, hyperspectral sensors have a higher spectral resolution than multispectral sensors. Commonly a
sensor is considered hyperspectral when it has at least 20 or 30 bands. Many such sensors have hundreds of bands. In general, a sensor with more spectral bands has a greater ability to distinguish
between two objects with similar spectral properties. Each band in a digital dataset can be thought of as an individual raster layer. Visualize an image in three dimensions, with rows, columns,
and bands filling the x, y, and z coordinates of a cube.
“Detail” by which spectrum is represented (Spectral range of each band).
Determined by design of the sensor.
Earth observing sensors collect data primarily in the visible, infrared, thermal and the microwave areas of the spectrum.
Spatial Resolution
Spatial “area” is represented by each data cell (displayed as a pixel).
It is determined by altitude of platform and sensor optic
Radiometric Resolution
It describes the number of unique values that can be recorded by a sensor system when measuring reflected or emitted EMR.
In a digital system this is easily quantified as a number (e.g., 256, 2047, etc.). Since the digital numbers in remote sensor data are stored in a computer, they are often expressed in terms
of how many bits (or factors of two) are used to store that variety of numbers (e.g., 8-bits, 11-bits, etc.). An 8-bit sensor would store a value for each measurement in an integer range from
0 to 255. This range has 28 (or 256) discrete values. With analog, or film-based, systems it is the quality of the film that determines its radiometric resolution
Other Issues:
- Dynamic range of data (8 bits, 10 bits, 12 bits, 16 bits...)
- An 8-bit sensor would store a value for each measurement in an integer range from 0 to 255
Imaging Systems
1. Whiskbroom
Utilizes a mirror that sweeps in a direction perpendicular to the flight path. As mirror sweeps across the
path, EMR directed via the optics into a series of mirrors and prisms. EMR split into its various wavelengths and focused onto detectors. Detectors measure EMR from point on ground, storing the value as a digital
Image is built of multiple rows of discrete ground segments called “pixels” through the forward motion of the platform.
2. Pushbroom
Uses a one-dimensional array of charged couple devices (CCD) aligned in a direction perpendicular to the flight direction.
Each CCD aimed at a specific point on the ground with the neighboring CCD viewing the neighboring ground location.
Entire line of image data (line of pixels) acquired simultaneously.
A second method is to have a linear array of detectors for each band. Each detector in an array (a single linear array can have thousands) records EMR for a single IFOV in the cross-track dimension (i.e.,
perpendicular to the direction of flight). The forward motion of the sensor again allows for repeated measurements and two-dimensional imagery. This type of sensor system is often called a linear array push-broom
scanner. Push-broom systems have several advantages over scanning mirror sensors. They have fewer moving parts, so they are generally more durable. Also, the process of assigning coordinates to push-broom data
is much easier.
Map Design
Remote Sensing
“Remote Sensing is a technology for sampling electromagnetic radiation to acquire and interpret non-immediate geospatial data from which to extract information about features, objects, and classes on the
Earth's land surface, oceans, and atmosphere....” (NASA)
Coordinate System
Coordinate systems are meant to:
1. Horizontal: defining where features are across the globe.
2. Vertical : defining how high or deep features are relative to a surface.
3. Latitude varies from north to south position of a point on the Earth's surface.
4. Longitude varies from east to west position of a point on the Earth's surface.
5. Measurements in degrees minutes and seconds, or decimal degrees.
1. State Plane Coordinate System (SPCS)
It is a coordinate system that divides the 50 states of the United States, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands into more than 120 numbered sections, referred to as zones (
The advantage of using SPCS is that your data is in a common coordinate system with other databases covering the same area.
A Mercator (UTM) Projection is often found in military applications and in datasets with global or national coverage.
The UTM system is secant, with lines of scale, 1 located some distance out on both sides of the Central Meridian.
2. Geographical coordinate System
A geographic coordinate system is a 3-D coordinate system that describes the location of features on the earth’s surface.
A projected coordinate system is the transformation of the earth from 3-D view into 2-D plane view.
The shape, area, distance and direction of the features on the earth are shown correctly on a globe.
However, the transformation from a 3-D earth to a flat surface creates distortion. There is no ideal projection the retains the major globe properties.
Map projections
Way to represent the curved surface of the earth on the flat surface of a map.
1. Color Model
Munsell represented his three dimensions of color using a color sphere. Each dimension was assigned a numeric value, positioning it in “color space” in much the same way X, Y and Z coordinate systems position
points in physical space.
Hue is the basic color and follows wavelength of the light spectrum (longest to shortest) used to differentiate between map features.
Lightness is the lightness or darkness of color (amount of white or black).
Saturation defines the brilliance and intensity of a color.
Color Models within ArcGIS Pro
RGB (red, green, blue): sensing, representation, and display of images in electronic systems (for example, televisions, computers, photography)
HSL (hue, saturation, lightness): it ranges from dark (0%) to fully illuminated (100%) where the original hue has the average lightness level of 50%.
CMYK (cyan, magenta, yellow, key black): subtractive color model used in color printing where four inks are used in some color printing
Hex #: can be entered to define an exact color
What Color Scale to Use?
For most maps, use a monochromatic color scale
Series of colors of the same hue and color value varied from low to high (or vice versa)
Better to use more light shades of a hue than dark shades
The human eye can differentiate better among light shades than dark shades
Dichromatic Color Scale
We can use a dichromatic or a dual color scale for attributes that have a natural middle such as 0
Examples: change over time, increases and decreases, etc.
Two monochromatic scales joined together with a low color value in the center and color value increasing toward both ends
2. Map Scale
Scales in GIS are exactly defined and represented on the map as a scale bar or ratio. Map scale often use the relative terms: large, medium and small scale
Map scale often use the relative terms:
Small scale: shows a large area with little detail - 1:250,000 and smaller.
Medium scale: 1:50,000 to 1:250,000.
Large scale: shows a small area with more detail 1:50,000 and larger.
GIS Representation
Rasters and vectors are two methods that are used to reduce geographic phenomena to forms that can be coded in computer databases.
There is a strong association between raster and fields as well as vectors and discrete objects.
In a raster representation geographic space is divided into an array of cells
Geographic variation is then expressed by assigning properties or attributes to these cells. The cells are sometimes called pixels
In a vector representation, all lines are captured as points
connected by precisely straight lines.
Map Layout
Types of Maps
1. Quantitative maps
Quantitative thematic maps, demonstrate the spatial patterns of numerical data (e.g., income, age, population).
2. Qualitative maps
Qualitative thematic maps show the spatial extent of categorical, or nominal, data (e.g., soil type, land cover, type of plants, political districts).
3. Floor Plan
Floor plans show the drawing to scale, showing a view from above, of the relationships between rooms, spaces, traffic patterns, and other physical features at one level of a structure.
4. Dot Map
A dot map is a simple and easily comprehensible statistical map that depicts the distribution of a certain population.
The cartographer selects what is being considered as an “appropriate” value of the population data (e.g., each dot represents 200 persons).
So, for a place that has a population of 1,000,000 persons, the map will show 5,000 dots.
5. Transit Map
A transit map is a topological map in the form of a schematic diagram used to illustrate the routes and stations within a public transport system—whether this be bus, tram, rapid transit, commuter rail or
ferry routes.
GI system has three key parts: the user interface, the tools, and the data management system.
The user’s interaction with the system is via a graphical user interface. The tool set defines the capabilities or functions that the GI system has available for processing geographic data. The data are
stored as files, databases, or Web services and are organized by data management software.
The presentation tier must be adept at collecting user inputs, rendering (displaying) data, and interacting with graphic objects.
The business logic tier is responsible for performing all operations such as network routing, data overlay processing, and raster analysis.
The data-server tier must import and export data and service requests for subsets of data (queries) from a database or file system. In order to maximize system performance.
By placing each tier on a separate computer, some tasks can be performed in parallel, and greater overall system performance, scalability, and resilience can be achieved.
High-end GI system users work primarily with software that runs either on the desktop or over the Web and in the Cloud.
In the desktop case, a personal computer is the main hardware platform, and Microsoft Windows remains the dominant.
Types of Geographic Information Systems
Desktop Systems
ArcGIS is a commercially available suite of software that includes three desktop versions with varying levels of complexity, mobile, and web components.
Quantum GIS or QGIS is a freely downloadable open-source GIS software suite that has a popular desktop option, mobile, and web component.
Web Mapping
It describes the integrated web-accessible software which contains a 2-D database comprising of one or more base maps and an associated collection of services.
Web access is provided via easily accessible, open interfaces running in web browsers and website functions can easily be accessed programmatically via well-defined application programming
interfaces (APIs).
1. Static Maps
Static maps can be dynamically-generated where the server runs a software that generates a map image based on changing conditions
2. Real-time and Animated Maps
Real-time mapping in GIS refers to the display and analysis of geographic data in real-time, meaning as the data is collected or updated. This allows users to visualize and analyze
current and constantly changing data, such as traffic flow, weather patterns, or the movement of vehicles, animals or people. Real-time mapping in GIS is made possible through the
use of advanced technologies such as remote sensing, GPS, and IoT sensors that continuously capture and transmit data to a central GIS database (Slocum et al., 2009; ESRI, 2021).
Animated mapping in GIS refers to the use of dynamic, time-based visualizations to display spatial patterns and changes over time. It is a powerful technique for displaying complex
data and patterns, such as temporal changes in population density or land use, and can be used to convey complex spatial and temporal information more effectively than static maps
or graphs. Animated maps can help users to see patterns and trends that may be difficult to discern in static maps or tabular data (Kraak & Ormeling, 2010; ESRI, 2021).
3. Interactive Maps
Interactive mapping in GIS refers to the ability of users to interact with and manipulate geographic data through a graphical user interface (GUI). Interactive mapping allows
users to query, analyze, and visualize geographic data in real-time, allowing for a more intuitive and dynamic GIS experience. Interactive mapping in GIS is made possible through
the use of interactive tools and widgets, such as sliders, menus, and pop-ups, which allow users to customize and control the display and analysis of geographic data (Battersby &
Finn, 2017).
Interactive mapping can also be used to create custom maps and visualizations, allowing users to present and share their findings with others.
GIS Server
A server GI system runs on a computer server that can handle concurrent processing requests from a range of networked clients.
Server systems are considered the heart of many Cloud GI implementations.
Virtual Globes
Virtual globes allow users to visualize geographic information on top of 3-D global base maps. For example: Google Earth and Microsoft Virtual Earth.
Have created neogeography and volunteered geographic information (VGI) to “new” geography that includes the overlay or mashing up two or more sources of geographic information.
GIS Developer
Toolkits of GI system functions and components that a reasonably knowledgeable programmer can use to build a specific-purpose GI application
Mobile GIS
Mobile GIS refers to the use of geographic information systems (GIS) technology on mobile devices such as smartphones, tablets, and handheld computers. Mobile GIS allows field workers
to capture, store, and analyze geospatial data in real-time, making it an essential tool for industries such as agriculture, natural resource management, emergency response, and transportation
(Koontz et al., 2017).
ArcGIS is a powerful Geographic Information System (GIS) software developed by Esri, a leading provider of GIS solutions. It allows users to create, analyze, and share spatial data in a variety of formats and
applications. With ArcGIS, users can visualize data on maps, perform spatial analysis, and share their results with others. It is used by a wide range of industries including government, natural resources,
utilities, transportation, and many others. ArcGIS has a range of tools and features to help users manage and analyze their data, including data visualization, geocoding, spatial analysis, and 3D mapping.
It offers a comprehensive suite of tools for data management, analysis, and visualization, making it an essential tool for anyone working with spatial data.
We will be going through the steps to create a few mappings using ArcGIS.
Click on the blue bottom that says “Sign In” look for your sign-in status
Figure 2: Sign Up Page
On the “Your ArcGIS organization's URL” blank write Purdueuniversity and click continue.
You will see Figure #; click Purdue University
Figure 3: Purdue Sign Up Page
You will be directed to the Boiler Key sign in on the Purdue university web page.
After logging-in with boiler key, if you are a first-time user, you will be prompted to fill in your information - Bio, Organization.
Keep it as Organization to use the full functionality of the application.
Click on the Home button on the navigation bar to be directed to ArcGIS online web page.
Step 2:: Start Mapping
On the upper ribbon, you will find a tab called "Map". Click on Map
Figure 4: Map showing Purdue University
Then on the upper left click on open in Map Viewer Classic
Figure 5: Map Viewer
You will be directed to ArcGIS online editable map where you can create three web maps of the United States.
At the top left you will find an ADD tab, click on Add Layer from Web
This shared layer was previously published from the United States with data of 3 different aspects:
Total population, homeless population and change in homeless population.
We’ll Save the map. Click on Save Icon on the top ribbon and click “Save as”
Figure 8: Save Image
In the Save Map window type the following information:
Title: Number of Homeless_ 2013
Tags: homelessness, count (you can add additional tags)
Summary: Map of homeless counts by state in the United States.
Step 3:: Creating the first map
This map shows the total number of people experiencing homelessness per state.
Creating a layer for keeping track of the number of homeless people.
In the Contents pane, point to the Homelessness_YourName layer.
Click on the three dots to pull up “More Options” button
Choose Rename.
Figure 9: Renaming a layer
Rename the layer to “Homeless_Counts” and click OK.
Creating circles of varying sizes to showcase the number of homeless people. Next, you will symbolize the number of people experiencing homelessness by drawing a circle within each state.
The size of the circle will vary depending on the attribute value.
Using graduated symbols instead of colors helps the user compare symbols to one another independently of the areal boundaries of the states.
Under the Homeless Counts layer, click the Change Style button. It's the button with the shapes.
Figure 10: Changing styles
In the Change Style pane, select Choose an attribute to show and choose Homeless Count (2013).
Figure 11: Choosing attributes The pane updates to show the ways the attribute can be symbolized.
In the Change Style pane, select drawing style “Counts and Options”
Under Counts and Amounts (Size), click Select.
Figure 12: Count and Options
Click the blue button Options to pull up additional customizable options.
The Change Style pane changes to show the options. You can adjust symbol size, color, and more.
Figure 13: Additonal Options
Under Size, check Classify Data.
Classify Data uses a mathematical formula to determine the values at which symbols change size on the map, also known as breaks.
Figure 14: Classify Data
Under Classify Data, change the number of classes to 7.
Figure 15: Number of Classes
Many of the symbols are unnecessarily large and cover smaller symbols, so next you will change the maximum and minimum symbol sizes.
Under Size, change Min to 7 pixels and Max to 25 pixels.
Figure 16: Size
Click Symbols to change Symbol color.
Click on symbols bottom and will appear window with additional symbology options. At the top of the window, click Fill. On the color palette, click the fourth dark blue from the top.
Hex color: #005CE6 Figure 17: Fill Color
At the top of the window, click Outline. On the color palette, click the fifth dark blue from the top. Hex color: #004DA8
Figure 18: Outline Color
Change Line Width to 3 pixels.
Figure 19: Line Width
Click OK.
At the bottom of the Change Style pane, click OK and click Done.
Make sure to click OK and then DONE on the left pane or you will lose these changes.
Changing the base map
The default Topographic base map is better suited for a reference map (which emphasizes the geographic location of features) than a thematic map (which focuses on a specific theme, such as homelessness).
Next, you will change the base map to something simpler.
On the upper left on the ribbon, click Base map and choose Light Gray Canvas.
Figure 20: Base Map The map should look something like this:
Figure 21: Base Map The map gives a generalized visual representation of the data but not exact numbers.
The exact counts are accessible through pop-ups, so when users click a state, they can see how many people experiencing homelessness live there.
Configuring pop-ups
When you were preparing your data in ArcGIS Pro, you reset the configuration of the pop-ups to show a feature's attribute information.
You can further customize pop-ups to only show the information relevant to the map.
In the More Options menu of the Homeless_Counts layer, click Configure Pop-up.
Figure 22: Configure Pop-ups
In the Pop-up Properties pane, confirm that Pop-up Title is set to {L0USA_States_Generalized_STATE_}.
Figure 23: Properties
Under Pop-up Contents, click Configure Attributes.
Figure 24: Attributes
In the Configure Attributes window, uncheck the boxes in the Display column next to all fields except Homeless Count (2013).
Figure 25: Display Attributes
Click OK.
In the Configure Pop-up pane, click OK.
Now when you click on a data point your pop-up shows only the information that this map is supposed to show.
Close the pop-up.
Click Save Map.
Step 4:: Creating the second map
Let's start working on the second map. Save the map as “Homeless per 10000” In your previous map, you used graduated symbols to represent the count of homeless people.
One reason you did not use color shading was that you did not want to suggest that homeless people were evenly distributed throughout each state.
Now that you are dealing with a ratio, that consideration does not apply.
Changing the Style
Under the Homelessness Counts layer, click the Change Style button (remember the button with the shapes).
Under Choose an attribute to show, choose Homeless per 10,000.
Under Select a drawing style, select Counts and Amounts (Color) and click Options.
Figure 26: Attributes
Changing the symbols.
In the symbology options, click Symbols.
Since you are symbolizing by color instead of size, the symbols window has several color ranges for you to choose from.
Click the last color range, red to yellow, and click OK
Figure 27: Color Range
The map updates with the new colors.
Classifying Data
As you did in the previous map, check Classify Data and change the number of classes to 7
The Natural Breaks classification method is useful for showing outliers, but your goal is to show states that are at the top percentage of states.
Under Classify Data, change Using to Quantile.
Quantile determines class breaks by distributing an equal number of values into each class.
Figure 28: Map
At the bottom of the Change Style pane, click OK and click Done.
Save the map.
Configuring Pop-ups
The Homeless per 10,000 attributes does not have a self-explanatory title, you will configure a custom attribute display that better explains the data with pop-ups.
In the Contents pane, in the More Options menu of the Homelessness Counts layer, click Configure Pop-up.
Figure 29: Pop-ups
Under Pop-up Contents, change Display to “A custom attribute display”
Figure 30: Pop-ups Display
Click Configure.
In the Custom Attribute Display window, type the following:
In 2013, {L0USA_States_Generalized_STATE_} had {HomelessPer10000} people experiencing homelessness for every 10,000 people.
Ensure that you include the braces.Figure 31: Custom Attribute Display
Click OK.
In the Configure Pop-up pane, click OK.
On the map, click any state to view the pop-up. It should look like this:
Figure 32: Custom Pop-up Example
Close the pop-up.
Save the map.
Step 5:: Creating the third map.
For the second map you can see state count that is relatively high for its population. However, there are still states that have both higher counts and higher percentages, such as California and New York.
So, a third map that includes change is necessary. Your final map will depict change in homeless counts from 2012 to 2013.
Save the new map. On the ribbon, click Save and choose Save As. Set the title as “Percent Change from 2012-13” and add tags and a summary if you wish.
Change plays an important role in determining the severity of homelessness in a state. A state with low or negative change, even if it has high homeless counts and percentages, will likely have enough
shelters and resources from previous years to deal with the problem.
A state with high change, however, may not have such infrastructure, exacerbating homeless conditions.
Changing the style
Under Choose an attribute to show, choose Homeless Change (2012-13)
Under Select a drawing style, select Counts and Amounts (Color) and click Options.
Figure 33: Attributes
Check Classify Data. Change the number of classes to 8.
Figure 34: Attributes
Changing the Color Scheme
Since this is a change map you will need a bicolor map to show this difference, you will use a diverging color scheme.
Click Symbols. In the list of color ranges, at the end, choose the green and purple color scheme
Figure 35: Color SchemeThe map should look something like this:Figure 36: Updated Map
Configuring Pop-ups
Under Pop-up Contents, change Display to “A custom attribute display”
Figure 37: Custom Attribute
Click Configure.
In the Custom Attribute Display window, type the following:
Between 2012 and 2013, {L0USA_States_Generalized_STATE_} experienced a {sheet1_change} percent change in counts of people experiencing homelessness.
Ensure that you include the braces.
If you click on a North Dakota you should see the following pop-up:
Figure 38: Custom Attribute
Save the map.
After following this tutorial you should be able to get started with creating custom maps using ArcGIS.
here are some additional resources to help you learn more about using ArcGIS:
ArcGIS Online Help: This is the official help documentation from Esri, the company that develops ArcGIS. It includes a comprehensive set of tutorials, guides, and other resources to help you get started
with ArcGIS.
ArcGIS Pro Learning Library: This is a collection of tutorials, lessons, and other resources to help you learn how to use ArcGIS Pro, which is Esri's desktop GIS software.
Esri Community: This is an online community of ArcGIS users where you can connect with other users, ask questions, share your experiences, and find additional resources.
YouTube: There are many YouTube channels that provide tutorials and tips on using ArcGIS, including the official Esri channel, as well as other channels created by ArcGIS users.
Horizonal assessment of GIS core concepts mapped to Bloom’s Taxonomy of Hierarchical Learning
What you should know:
Bloom’s Taxonomy Hierarchy
You should know
Recall basic GIS concepts.
Define basic GIS concepts.
Use symbolization, classification, and data skills to make a new map for different regions.
Consider ethical and communications implications of your chose of variables, colors and map projects in in your final visualizations
Compare and contrast different physical or cultural regions, question the difference that imagery at a different scale would make on your assessment of land and use change
Design, create, and give a presentation using multimedia web-GIS maps and web mapping applications.